Can you guess how many keys are on a piano? I’ll give you a hint: Today is the 88th day of the year and it is National Piano Day! Yes, there are 88 keys on a piano. In honor of this special day, here are 8 ways that you can celebrate. Whether you are an experienced pianist, an aspiring pianist, or simply appreciate piano music, I’m sure that you will find at least one of the following ideas to be fun:

1 Attend a concert. As stated by Plato, “music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything” (The Foundation for a Better Life, 2020). Find out when the next local performance is or plan an elegant evening in the nearest city to attend a piano concert.

2 Schedule lessons. There are so many proven benefits of playing piano! Piano practice “boosts cognitive and intellectual abilities,” relieves stress, and increases self-esteem. Lessons even “[slow] the adverse effects of aging” (Steinway & Sons, 2020). So whether you’re 19 or 99, research piano lesson opportunities near you!

3 Perform. Whether you want to make big plans to formally perform in a recital or festival, or want a low-key opportunity to perform in your living room for family or via social media for friends, choose a piece and make a goal today!  

4 Thank your piano teacher. Having studied with my childhood piano teacher for 14 years, I love staying connected with her whether it’s through quick check-ins via text, attending music performances together, or visiting over a cup of coffee. No words can fully express how deeply grateful I am for her confidence in me, patience for me, and beaming joy for music which has all greatly influenced the musician that I am today. Reach out to your piano teacher today and express to them how much you appreciate their special impact on your life!

5 Grab a cup of coffee and play. One of my favorite ways to play piano is with the Christmas tree lights glowing behind me, a freshly brewed cup of coffee beside me, and unlimited time ahead of me to play through my favorite Christmas music. Although playing Christmas music may be seasonal, drinking a cup of coffee is not. Pour some coffee into your favorite mug and pull out your current favorite piece to play today. 

6 Visit your favorite music store. While living in my college town, I loved making trips to Pender’s Music Co. I was in awe of the variety of books available to thumb through, the fun music knick-knacks to look at, and the music-printed paper bags holding my recent purchase. Although I no longer live near a Pender’s, I do visit my local music store on a regular basis with lists on hand, ready to make my purchases. What music store do you like to support?

7 Read “Grand Obsession”. Several years ago, this book, written by Perri Knize, was recommended to me as a fun piano lover’s read. The synopsis reads: 

After a year of lessons, [Knize] decides to buy a piano of her own and begins a search for a modestly priced upright.  Inexplicably she cannot be satisfied with any upright she plays, and instead she falls madly, illogically, in love with a rare German grand she discovers in a New York showroom. After a long dalliance, [Knize] refinances her house to buy this “magic” instrument…But when [the piano] arrives at her home in Montana, the sound that transfixed her is gone, the tone dead and dull. One piano tuner after another arrives to fix it, but no one can. Rather than send the piano back, [Knize] embarks on a mad quest to restore the instrument to its rightful sound–and to understand the reason for its elusive power…. 

Several aspects of this book are personally memorable including the narrator’s piano lessons, her descriptions of the touch and sound that various pianos produce, and her passion and determination to find her particular sound. Click HERE to purchase your own copy of “Grand Obsession.” 

8 Bake a musical treat. From cookies, to cake, to candy, click HERE to view Pinteresting ideas to inspire your own creation of a musically sweet treat.



Whether you are an experienced pianist, solely a listener or are somewhere in between, I hope that one of the ideas presented inspires a musical time!




Steinway & Sons (2020). The Benefits of Playing Piano. Retrieved from                              

The Foundation for a Better Life (2020). Retrieved from